Make Maths Easier
Make Maths Easier
Transform Primary Maths Frustrations into Achievements: Harness the Power of AI Learning for Your Child. Transform Primary Maths Frustrations into Achievements: Harness the Power of AI Learning for Your Child.

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Make Maths Easier
Make Maths Easier
Transform Primary Maths Frustrations into Achievements: Harness the Power of AI Learning for Your Child. Transform Primary Maths Frustrations into Achievements: Harness the Power of AI Learning for Your Child.

Sign up today with a 1 month free trial

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Why Parents Are Choosing Our AI-Powered Solution

We empower your child's mathematical journey with our AI-powered solution. Experience engaging and personalized learning, real-time progress tracking, and curriculum-aligned content. Join us today and unlock your childs full maths potentia!

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How We Supercharge Your Child's Maths Abilities

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Engaging Maths Lessons at Your Fingertips

Accessible anytime, anywhere, these interactive lessons empower children to develop a strong foundation in math while having fun. Explore and master math concepts with ease through our interactive platform, fostering confidence and a love for learning!

Preview of mobile app and classroom information

Transform Their Town: Upgrade and Build with Rewards

Unlock a world of learning and excitement as you progress through math lessons. With our unique reward system, you can use earned rewards to upgrade and build your own virtual town. By applying what you've learned, you'll develop essential math skills while experiencing the joy of creating and customizing your town. Giving pupils virtual evideance of all the work they have accomlished.

Engaging Topics
Topic Questions
Hours of Learning


Year 1 Curriculum

Value and Place


  • Learn to count up to 20
  • Count in 2's, 5's and 10's
  • Ability to use a number line

  • Simple Arithmetic


  • Recognise the + and - symbols
  • Add and Subtract up to 20
  • Solve one step problems
  • Count forwards and backwards
  • Multiplication


  • Learn 2, 5, 10 multiples
  • Solve one step multiplication
  • Learn how to use fractions
  • Solve one step division problems
  • Fractions


  • Recognise fractions
  • Combine halves into a whole

  • Shapes


  • Recognise simple 2-D objects
  • Recognise simple 3-D objects
  • Understand shapes can change size
  • Differentiate 2-D and 3-D shapes
  • Directions


  • Undertand forwards and backwards
  • Understand left and right
  • Know which way an arrow points
  • Recognise on top of and below
  • Progress Tracking

    Discover our revolutionary educational app, Make Maths Easier, designed to ensure your child's success. Our app embodies personalized learning and stands out with cutting-edge progress tracking capabilities. Here's why parents worldwide choose us:

    • Progress Tracking: Watch your child's skills grow over time.
    • Skill Level Updates: Ensure they stay challenged at the right level.
    • Lesson Completion: Track lessons completed.
    • Incorrect Answers Analysis: Target specific learning gaps with precision.
    • Comparison with Peers: See how your child stacks up against other students at their level.

    Invest in your child's academic future with Make Maths Easier, where learning is engaging and fun. Join our community of satisfied parents, trusting us to shape their child's educational journey.

    Preview of mobile app and classroom information


    Choose a pricing plan that fits your needs.

    • Basic
    • 1 Student Account
    • Endless Support
    • Unlimited Security
    • No Student Statistics
    • £ 6.99

      per month

      (Less than 23p per day)
    Most Popular
    • Pro
    • 1 Student Account
    • Student Statistics
    • Endless Support
    • Unlimited Security
    • £ 7.99

      per month

      (Less than 27p per day)
    • Premium
    • Up to 4 Children
    • Student Statistics
    • Endless Support
    • Unlimited Security
    • £ 12.99

      per month

      (Less than 43p per day)

    Zachary Glyn (CEO/Founder)

    About Me

    Striving to evolve education. As the first person in my school to ever complete a Further Maths A-Level I knew things needed to change to make maths more accessible and easier to learn in the UK, so I set out to create Make Maths Easier. With an A* in Maths and Further Maths and a IET Boost Scholarship for being one of the highest scoring student engineers in the UK, as well as a SPARK Enterprise Scholarship for this very company. So join me on our journey to making maths education more accessible and easier for all primary school chilren to learn.


    • What is the age range?
    • Make Maths Easier is a specially designed math learning platform catered to the unique needs of children aged 4 to 8. Our curriculum and interactive activities are carefully crafted to engage young learners and foster a love for math from an early age. With a child-friendly interface and engaging content, we make learning math enjoyable and accessible for primary school children.
    • How does the AI work?
    • Our advanced AI technology powers our platform by intelligently tracking your child's achievements and adapting the learning experience to their unique abilities. As your child progresses, the AI algorithms dynamically adjust the difficulty level of the questions to provide a personalized and optimal learning path. This ensures that your child is consistently challenged while building a strong foundation in math.
    • Is the platform aligned with the national math curriculum?
    • At Make Maths Easier, we understand the importance of aligning with the specific educational requirements of children in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. That's why our platform has been meticulously designed to tailor to each region's curriculum. Rest assured that your child will receive math lessons that are directly aligned with the educational standards in their country, ensuring they are learning the right concepts and skills at the right time.
    • Can parents track their child's progress and performance?
    • At Make Maths Easier, we understand the importance of parental involvement in a child's education. That's why we provide a comprehensive progress tracking feature for parents. Through our platform, you can easily monitor your child's learning journey, view their achievements, and track their progress in real-time. With detailed insights and performance reports, you can stay informed about your child's strengths and areas that need improvement. Our aim is to empower parents with the tools and information they need to actively support their child's math learning.
    • Are there different difficulty levels or personalized learning paths?
    • Our AI-powered math learning application offers both different difficulty levels and personalized learning paths. The AI technology dynamically adjusts the difficulty of the questions based on the child's performance and progress. This ensures that the child is consistently challenged at an appropriate level to promote continuous growth and prevent frustration. Additionally, children have the freedom to choose the specific math topics they want to explore within the application. This personalized approach allows children to focus on areas of interest or areas where they need additional practice, making the learning experience more engaging and tailored to their individual needs.
    • Can the platform be accessed on multiple devices?
    • Our platform is designed to be accessible on multiple devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Whether you're at home, on the go, or wherever you may be, you can seamlessly access our website and resources. This means that your child can continue their math learning journey anytime, anywhere, using the device that is most convenient for you. We prioritize accessibility to ensure that learning is not limited by device restrictions, allowing for a truly flexible and user-friendly experience.
    • Is there a free trial or demo available?
    • We offer a generous 1-month free trial for all new users. During this trial period, you and your child can explore our comprehensive math learning platform and experience the benefits firsthand. This allows you to assess the effectiveness of our resources, the engagement of our content, and the impact on your child's learning journey. We want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your decision to join us. Take advantage of our free trial and see the positive impact it can make on your child's math skills. Get started today and unlock a world of math achievements!
    • How does parental involvement and support contribute to the child's learning experience?
    • Parental involvement and support are integral to maximizing the benefits of our AI-powered math learning application. By actively participating in their child's learning journey, parents can provide encouragement and guidance, creating a collaborative and nurturing environment. With our application, parents have access to real-time progress tracking, allowing them to monitor their child's achievements and identify areas for additional support. By staying involved, parents can reinforce concepts learned and celebrate milestones.
    • How important is safety?
    • At Make Maths Easier, we prioritize the safety and privacy of our users. We have implemented robust security measures to ensure that all personal information and data provided on our platform are protected. Our website adheres to strict data protection guidelines, and we never share or sell personal information to third parties. You can have peace of mind.


    Lets get in touch. Send us a message:

    Leeds, UK

    Email: contact@makemathseasier.com


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